Cynical thought!

The world is created with two kinds of attributes. Negative and Positive.

When we tend to do things, we need to analyse the state of the situation. The world is full of optimists and pessimists. Where ever you go, you’ll find both kinds. But rather relaying on the world, think what your heart says. If you have the courage to bring out something, you’ll definitely accomplish it.

Two quotes about being sanguine is – ” There is a glass of water which is half filled. Optimist thinks, it is half filled and pessimist thinks, it is half empty“. Its is all Brian game. You’ll assimilate to live, if you’ve the bullish vision of; how to see the world, how to handle the situation around you with out going in a negative circumstances. You win!

Another quote is -” The entire water of the ocean cannot sink a ship, unless it gets inside the ship. The same way, negativity of the world can’t put you down, unless you allow it to go inside you“.

Never ever surround with negativity. Its the way you think, its your choice. If you feel happy for what you’re doing, then you don’t have to worry about what other people say. Don’t let other’s thought invade your senses.

Be happy always!!



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